The Cubic Temperature

The Cubic Temperature

Release ID: 18259171


Mint (M)

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Artiest 808 Dot Pop
Titel The Cubic Temperature
Format Album,CD
Label Alfa Matrix
Collection Media Conditie Mint (M)
Collection sleeve conditie Mint (M)
Released 2021
Genre Electronic
Release ID 18259171
Plaats in winkel
Cat no. AM1287CD
Stijl Synth-pop,Electro
Notes Geen notities


Position Title Artist Duration Type
3 Blackbodies (Lampblack) 3:48 track
1 CIE 1960 (Chromaticity) 5:50 track
5 Illuminants (Measured) 5:50 track
11 Inside The Light Bulb (Porcelain) 2:39 track
2 Kelvin (4500) 6:34 track
8 Planck’s h (Boltzmann) 9:24 track
10 Seeing Heat (Peripheral) 4:16 track
9 The White Tone Of Lamps (Halogen) 3:17 track
7 Thermal Contact (Cryogenic) 5:00 track
4 Thermodynamica (Neon) 3:35 track
6 Ultraviolet (Photonic) 4:48 track

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