Richard D. James Album

Richard D. James Album

Release ID: 1636160


In voorraad

Meer informatie

Artiest Aphex Twin
Titel Richard D. James Album
Format Album,CD
Label PIAS Benelux
Collection Media Conditie
Collection sleeve conditie
Released 1996
Genre Electronic
Release ID 1636160
Plaats in winkel
Cat no. 678.0043.20
Stijl IDM,Acid,Drum n Bass
Notes Geen notities


Position Title Artist Duration Type
1 4 3:37 track
5 Carn Marth 2:33 track
2 Cornish Acid 2:14 track
4 Fingerbib 3:48 track
9 Girl/Boy Song 4:52 track
7 Goon Gumpas 2:02 track
10 Logan Rock Witch 3:33 track
3 Peek 824545201 3:05 track
Second Side heading
The First Side heading
6 To Cure A Weakling Child 4:03 track
8 Yellow Calx 3:04 track

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